vehicle traffic 意味

発音を聞く:   vehicle trafficの例文
  • 車の交通{こうつう}


  1. inside the night market , street stalls line up their shops in areas of streets that are temporarily closed to vehicle traffic .
  2. in the evening , there are places for large scale markets to open their businesses upon sidewalks; these market places sell clothing and miscellaneous goods , and there are other market locations; this is where the street stalls serve food in streets temporarily closed to vehicle traffic .


        block foot or vehicle traffic:    人や車の通行{つうこう}の妨げになる
        director for vehicle traffic:    車両通行対策官◆国土交通省の
        man-vehicle traffic flow:    man-vehicle traffic flow 人間-自動車交通流[電情]
        in vehicle:    {形} :
        in-vehicle:    {形} : 車に搭載の、車載の、車に取り付けている、車内の
        on vehicle:    車両用{しゃりょう よう}
        vehicle:     vehicle n. 車, 乗り物; 手段; 展色剤. 【動詞+】 He learnt how to drive a transport vehicle in the army. 軍隊で輸送車の運転を学んだ manufacture vehicles 車を製造する. 【形容詞 名詞+】 an aerial vehicle 空中輸送手段 an
        traffic:    1traffic n. (1) 交通(量), (人 車などの)往来; 運輸(量). 【動詞+】 The road cannot accommodate much more traffic. この道路ははるかに多い交通量には対応できない Traffic is backed up for three miles. 《米》 交通は 3 マイルも渋滞している An
        traffic in:    ~を不正{ふせい}に売買{ばいばい}する
        traffic on:    ~を不正{ふせい}に利用{りよう}する
        traffic hell, traffic congestion:    traffic hell, traffic congestion 交通地獄 こうつうじごく
        traffic light, traffic signal:    交通信号{こうつう しんごう}
        administrative vehicle:    管理車両{かんり しゃりょう}
        aerial vehicle:    空中輸送手段{くうちゅう ゆそう しゅだん}
        aerodynamic vehicle:    aerodynamic vehicle 空力的航空機[航宇]


  1. "vehicle to reach" 意味
  2. "vehicle to transfer" 意味
  3. "vehicle tonnage tax" 意味
  4. "vehicle total weight" 意味
  5. "vehicle tow" 意味
  6. "vehicle train intersection" 意味
  7. "vehicle training ground" 意味
  8. "vehicle transportation car" 意味
  9. "vehicle travel" 意味
  10. "vehicle total weight" 意味
  11. "vehicle tow" 意味
  12. "vehicle train intersection" 意味
  13. "vehicle training ground" 意味

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